Who We Are

Classical Christian Academy is a mission of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church affording education for Kindergarten through grade 5. Our vision is to add one grade each year, resulting in providing K-8 education within the next three years.

  • CCA is deeply Christian. Man is sinful, but God graciously sent Jesus Christ to be our Savior. His sinless life, His death on the cross, and His resurrection provide justification and salvation to all who believe.

  • CCA imparts classical education. Values of classical education include truth, goodness, and beauty, and are studied and appreciated as appropriate to the grammar and dialectical stages of the trivium and classical pedagogical principles.

In loco parentis represents our relationship with parents. CCA, as an extension of the home and the Church, shares with parents in their Biblical responsibility for educating their children.

Fidelis Veritati

“Faithful to the Truth”

At CCA we are faithful to Jesus Christ: the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We seek and convey truth in our world with a faithfulness to our calling to serve.