
Curriculum overview:

  • Curriculum at CCA is based on the Word of God. The Word is the origin, the motivator, and the goal of all true learning. 

  • Curriculum materials are chosen to incline the learner toward the values of classical education—truth, goodness, and beauty—as appropriate to the grammar and dialectical stages of the trivium and classical pedagogical principles. 

  • The trivium consists of grammar, rhetoric, and logic. Foundational materials will be provided to students for them to learn, interpret, translate, and understand. 

  • Upon critical thinking and processing, students will be equipped to respond coherently to the world around them.

Academic subjects

Religion: Bible History including the Old Testament and the New Testament will be studied. Students will also have brief daily chapel worship. The Religion curriculum is designed precisely to ensure that students and their families are provided with what is necessary to know and believe in this same Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, and by this same faith, to be rescued from sin and everlasting condemnation.

Language Arts: Students must learn and understand the rules of language and how to use these to express and communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly. They will develop a rich vocabulary and will master proper spelling of words. Proper penmanship will be emphasized.

Latin: Latin will be introduced in elementary grade to contribute to understanding of English grammar and mastery of English vocabulary.

Mathematics: Curriculum includes arithmetic, patterns and functions, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability. Students will also learn essential problem-solving skills to be used in their daily lives.

Science: Science is taught from the perspective that God is Creator, and the laws of science flow from His creative and preserving power. Through lectures, discussion, observation, and experimentation in earth science, biological science, and physical science, students learn the facts of science and appreciate God’s control of all things in nature. Students will further develop skills of forming and testing hypotheses, and in interpreting and critiquing data.

Social science: With the study of geography, history, and people through the lens of Biblical perspective, students will be prepared for thoughtful, active, responsible, and productive citizenship in an ever-changing world.

Art: Art education provides understanding of human experiences and respect for others’ ways of thinking and expressing themselves. It also provides methods of problem-solving and a mode of communicating personal thoughts as a vehicle for self-expression.

Music: Music is a gift from God to be used in His service and as a means of proclaiming the Gospel. Students receive instruction through regular music classes, performances, and inclusion of music across the curriculum.

Physical Education: Students will gain understanding of physical development, well-being, and safety, and will make every effort to reach their God-given physical potential. We anticipate the students to develop a work ethic and lifelong habit of maintaining physical well-being.