Faculty and Staff

  • Heather Vallier


    B.A., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; M.D. Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA

    Dr. Vallier serves as the CCA Headmaster, overseeing CCA operations in addition to teaching. She has been an educator for many years, with initial experience in biological sciences. Her leadership endeavors include administration of medical education programs and development of curricula. She has received numerous awards for outstanding teaching and is enthused about growing CCA. Her other interests include enhancing the recovery of injured people by addressing often unmet mental, social, and spiritual needs. She is the mother of two adult children.

    Philippians 4:6

  • Stephanie Neujahr


    Mrs. Neujahr chairs the CCA school board and provides teaching support. She has educated her children at home since 1997, employing a classical model following Charlotte Mason's principles since 2001. In addition to regularly teaching online, Mrs. Neujahr has led and taught homeschool co-ops in 5 states, teaching various classes on Composer Study, Artist Study, Nature Study, Folk Songs, Plutarch's Lives and Shakespeare. An expert on curriculum resources, her greatest joy in education has been teaching children to read and seeing them discover a love for the written word. Mrs. Neujahr and her husband reside in Shaker Heights, with 5 children still at home.

    Joshua 1:9

  • Deaconess Merri Bunge


    MS, Public Health Nursing, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; MA, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, OH

    Deaconess Bunge serves CCA as both school nurse and teacher. Her broad nursing experience includes a variety of nursing positions in public health nursing clinical (including well child clinics as well as educational and institutional settings. In 2020, Deaconess Bunge completed formal Deaconess training and was called to St. Peter's Lutheran Church, where she continues to serve. Deaconess Bunge has a heart for teaching God's children of all ages, and is the mother of two adopted adult children.

    Psalm 46:10-11

  • Vicky Byers-Ward


    B.A., University of San Diego, La Jolla, CA; M.A. Pastoral Clinical Counseling, Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, OH

    Mrs. Byers-Ward serves CCA as a teacher of a variety of subjects. She is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, specializing in counseling for adults with developmental disabilities. Prior to her work in counseling she engaged in scientific research both in California and Ohio. She has been a member of St. Peters since 1993 and has served on several council boards as well as serving as a teacher in St. Peter’s Sunday School Program. Mrs. Byers-Ward is a widow with three grown children, six grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.

    Colossians 3:15-17

  • Pastor Troy Neujahr


    M.Div, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; Ph.D. Missiology, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN

    Pastor Neujahr oversees the religious formation of students and staff alike, leading daily chapel and teaching Christian doctrine and religious history. He loves to see God growing His little ones into maturity by using the means of His word. Outside of CCA, he serves as pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, and has a particular desire to see the Kingdom—and not just one church—grow. Pastor Neujahr has been married to Stephanie, the wife of his youth, for over 30 years. Together they have eleven children that bring them no end of joy.

    Ephesians 3:8–10

  • Clifford Simske


    B.A., Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI; M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

    Dr. Simske is the director of Latin at CCA. He practiced obstetrics and gynecology for several years, then practiced psychiatry for several decades. He has a strong interest in literature and philosophy of Western civilization and has lectured about these on dozens of occasions. He is thrilled about passing on the benefits of classical Christian education to children of upcoming generations. He is proud of his three adult children and numerous grandchildren.

    John 14:6

  • Jeffrey Simske


    B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Ph.D., Stanford University, Stanford, CA

    Dr. Simske is the head of science instruction, coordinating the curriculum and teaching all levels of science. He has taught science at various levels over the years, ranging from kindergarten through graduate students. He enjoys teaching science from the perspective of careful observation, inquiry-based investigation, and problem-solving. As techniques of science have become more sophisticated, our ability to glimpse into God’s creation has increased, and so Mr. Simske’s teaching allows everyone to be explorers of God’s creation right where they live. Previously, Mr. Simske was in developmental biology and genetics research for 32 years; he now enjoys carpentry and construction.

    Job 38